
Using drugs can have both immediate and long-term effects. These effects may vary from person to person. Some immediate and long term effects of drugs include:


  • Feelings of Paranoia
  • Having to use more to get the same effect
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulties with memory and attention
  • Getting the munchies
  • Losing interest
  • Problems with your mental health
  • Depression
  • Not able to cope
  • Legal problems
  • Panic attacks


While there is a lot of concern about illegal drugs, the most harm and the greatest risk to young people comes from using legal drugs such as alcohol, cigarettes and inappropriate use of medicines, over the counter and/or prescription. People use many different kinds of drugs.

These drugs may be legal or illegal, helpful or harmful. Every drug has side-effects and risks, but some drugs have more risks than others, especially illegal drugs.


Using drugs can become a problem depending on a number of factors:


  • What drug is used
  • Who is using the drug (especially their mood and personality)
  • Why they are using the drug
  • Where and how they are using the drug


See our helplines below for assistance with answering the above questions.


It is not uncommon to drink occasionally; however, you may have a problem with your alcohol use if you are:


  • Getting into hassle at school, work or home
  • Feeling hungover most mornings
  • Drinking to escape problems
  • Feeling edgy for no apparent reason
  • Drinking to numb how you feel
  • Drinking alone
  • Thinking about drinking most days
  • Drinking to get drunk
  • Drinking more to get the same effect that you used to get


Alcohol: Don’t bottle it, tackle it.


Alcohol is our favourite drug.  Most of us use it for enjoyment, but sometimes drinking can be a problem.  Fights, arguments, money troubles, family upsets, casual sex and crisis pregnancies are often a result of having had too much to drink.

Alcohol can be the cause of hospital admissions for physical illnesses and accidents.  It is also important to remember that alcohol has the potential to be addictive.  Alcohol can make you do thinks you would not normally do.

Taking control and staying within low-risk drinking limits. For drinking to be considered 2low risk”, the Department of Health and Children currently advises: try to cut down to low risk drinking levels by suing the Standard Drinking Guide in Ireland.  A standard drink is 10 grams of pure alcohol. 

Adult women should drink less than 11 standard drinks per week; Adult men should drink less than 17 standard drinks per week.

These are low risk weekly limits, which should be spread over the week and not saved for a single drinking occasion i.e. binge drinking.


These guidelines do not apply to people who are ill, run down, on medication or to children. It is not advisable for women to consume alcohol if pregnant or trying to conceive.


If you, or a friend have any of these symptoms, talk to a GP or your school counsellor. See below for more support options:

Alcoholics Anonoymous


01 8420700

SASSY: Substance Abuse Service Specific to Youth

Support for those up to 18 years old

Phone 01-865 6837

Email [email protected]

Please note - these are not helplines, contact the organisation to arrange an appointment.


Support for all ages

Freephone 1800 459 459

Monday - Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm

Email [email protected]

North Dublin Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force

Support for all ages

Phone 01 223 3493

Email [email protected]

Please note - these are not helplines, contact the organisation to arrange an appointment.

If you are concerned that you or someone you know is showing signs of mental distress, talk to someone.