When somebody does something to control, bully or hurt someone else: it is called abuse. Abuse can take many forms such as physical, sexual, emotional and verbal abuse.
Physical Abuse is control by violence or threat of violence including hitting, biting, burning or shaking.
Sexual Abuse When someone forces another to do any sexual acts that they do not want to do or watch something sexual that they do not want to watch.
Emotional Abuse Controlling another person through withdrawal of love, isolating them, becoming extremely jealous, constantly criticising another or threatening them.
Verbal Abuse is putting a person down and undermining their confidence by using threats, insults, name calling or shouting.
Bullying is the ongoing abuse of another person through physical, emotional or verbal means, often in the presence of others. Nobody has the right to hurt you physically or emotionally even if they are in a position of authority or they say they love you.
Always refuse to accept abuse and remember that secrecy is an abusers best weapon, so never keep it a secret, and remember help is always available. The most important thing is to tell somebody you trust.
Speak to someone.
Support for those up to 18 years old
Freephone 1800 666 666
Online Chat childline.ie
Text 'Talk' to 50101
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Teen Line
Support for ages 13 - 18 years
Freephone 1800 833 634
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Support for all ages
Online Chat jigsaw.ie
Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri 1pm - 5pm
Thurs 2pm - 8pm
Beat the Bully
Information for all ages
Sexual Assault Treatment Unit Rotunda Hospital
Support for those over 14 years old
Phone 01 8171736
Mon - Fri 9am - 4.30pm
01 8171700 (outside hours above)
The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre
Support for all ages
Freephone 1800 77 88 88
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Support for men experiencing domestic violence
Phone 01 554 3811