Skerries Youth Support Services (SYSS) is a youth-focused community organisation which offers support to local young people and their families when they are faced with challenges in their lives.

This website provides information and highlights the services that are available when help is needed.

When we feel well in ourselves we can enjoy day to day life and we can get the best out of things.

If there is something bothering you help is available.

If you are concerned that you or someone you know is showing signs of mental distress, talk to someone.

Mental Health

What is Mental Health?

Mental Health is something we all have. Some people have described it as a feeling of contentment, well-being, being able to make decisions, being comfortable with ourselves and with others, being able to laugh, have fun and enjoy life.

It is important to look after our mental health.

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What is Depression?

When someone is depressed, they may experience changes in behaviour such as: Headaches, being ratty, stomach aches, high use of alcohol or drugs, losing interest in activities, a lot of crying, getting into hassles at school, work or home; changes in eating and sleeping patterns, feeling helpless or hopeless.

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Getting Help

Help for mental difficulties can take different forms. It will involve talking therapies, it may involve some medication, or a combination of both. Your GP will be able to talk you through your options and what is best for you. Talking therapies include going to see a psychologist or counsellor.

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Skerries Youth Support Services (SYSS) is a registered charity. RCN: 20205571